Movie review: Crank

Oh my god. So, so bad. There just aren’t words. Really. It was full of weird, choppy sequences, had no real plot to speak of, there was a sex scene that made me cringe, and it was much bloodier than I think was necessary. Also: driving a motorcycle at high speeds while wearing nothing but a hospital gown = ill advised. I like Jason Statham, but his voice didn’t seem to work with the character – he sounds too cultured. Amy Smart seemed seriously confused the whole time, and Dwight Yoakum is just weird. The only redeeming quality of the whole movie is that it eventually ended. SO BAD. I couldn’t send this one back to Netflix fast enough! Next up: 28 Days Later.


And now, some news. I can’t really think of a good way to segue into this, so I’ll just throw it out there: I’m pregnant. Due January 2, so I’m about 7 weeks along. We went to the doctor a few days ago, and saw the wee peanut and its tiny beating heart. So far everything looks good.

More later, I promise…