Today I had the following e-mail exchange with my sister:

Sher: I want Thanksgiving:

Me: Thanksgiving does sound good, as much as I hate the month of November in general.

Sher: You hate the month of November? Whatever for? 1. Cool things always seem to happen in November. 2. It is the month before Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year. 3. It goes by fast because of the giant vacation to look forward to at the end of the month. Explain.

Me: It is stupid! And orange! And filled with pilgrims and Indians and cornucopias! Perhaps my childhood hatred of all things pilgrim is clouding my judgment a bit.

Sher: WHAT did Mom and Dad DO to you before I was born???? All of those things are awesome! How can you not look at a cornucopia and have the warm fuzzies?

Me: HAHAHAHA! I don’t know! I just HATED learning about pilgrims and the Mayflower and the first Thanksgiving SO VERY MUCH as a kid. And now, on November 1, I become surly for a 30-day period. Well, surlier than usual anyway. My husband thinks I am a freak.

Sher: OMG you are CHANDLER. Except Dad is not a Vegas Burlesque dancer.