As I’ve mentioned before, I love me some Jason Statham.  So into the queue went The Bank Job.  In addition to Statham-related yummyness, it had the added bonus of being a movie that N would watch with me.  Those are few and far between.

And the verdict?  Meh.  It was okay.  I didn’t love it, that’s for sure.  It wasn’t so boring that I felt the need to turn it off or anything, but it wasn’t the most riveting movie ever.  I certainly have no need to ever watch it again.

I think part of the issue is that I broke one of my cardinal movie-watching rules – I usually refuse to watch anything that’s “based on a true story”.  My reasoning is thus:  I watch TV and movies to escape reality.  I do not need to see anything that’s based an actual event.  (Horror movies are an exception to this rule.  Do not question the logic.  There is none.)

Overall, it just wasn’t action-y enough.  I like tons of action in my movies.  (No, not THAT KIND of action.  Although there was some of that here.) I mean kick-ass fight scenes, high-speed chases, explosions, adrenaline.  More than a few minutes without something along those lines and I generally get bored.  That’s why I love the Die Hard movies, Lethal Weapon, Tango and Cash, Escape from New York.  I don’t even need a cohesive plot or quality acting (DUH).  If something blows up, I’m usually sold.  That’s how I roll.

Oh, and what did N think about The Bank Job?  He liked it.  OF COURSE.

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