I managed two whole posts in a row that had a cohesive theme throughout.  Tonight my streak comes to an end.

My dryer is a piece of shit, doo-dah, doo-dah*

The damn thing has started eating drawstrings.  It happened a few times before, but it was sporadic and so I didn’t think much of it but now it’s happening all the time.  There’s this little crevice above the door where the drawstring can evidently get hung.  Last night N and I were watching TV when all of a sudden the dryer noise changed.  I got up to investigate and sure enough, the drawstring of his new running shorts had gotten wedged into that hole.  I rescued them in time, but I lost a dress just a few weeks ago when the string got hung and the dress tumbled and tumbled around it until the string eventually snapped.  A pair of AE’s shorts got all jacked up this weekend, and prior to that a pair of pajama pants fell victim.  What is causing this?  The hole where the strings get hung is not a flaw or something that recently happened.  It’s part of the design.  It’s been there all along.  I’ve been using this dryer for almost four years and suddenly this is a problem?  I’ll tell you right now, I have no qualms about chucking the thing if it continues, that’s for damn sure.  It doesn’t dry my clothes anyway!  ARE YOU LISTENING, DRYER?!  YOU WERE ALREADY ON MY LIST FOR SUCKING AT YOUR ONLY JOB.  IF YOU CONTINUE TO EAT MY CLOTHES I’M KICKING YOUR ASS TO THE CURB.  Ahem.

*”Camptown Races” is the base melody N and I tend to use for a wide variety of catchy made-up song lyrics.  I don’t know.

My daughter sets me straight

Miss T was up past her usual bedtime the other night and consequently got pretty fussy as I was putting her in pajamas.

Miss T: I tired!  I wan my bed!

Me: I know, baby.  Me too.

Miss T: [giving me the Angry Eyes and pointing at the crib]  No.  Dat my bed.  Your bed in your room.

Believe me, kid, I’m not going to fold my 5’8″ self into your tiny little crib when I’ve got a king-size pillow-top mattress a few rooms away.  But thanks for clearing that up!

Mini movie review:  xXx

Why had I not watched this before now?  It was fun!  Exactly what I love in a movie!  Mindless action, great locales, and it didn’t try and take itself too seriously.  Vin Diesel obviously isn’t going for an Oscar, he was just having a good time.  Asia Argento is as gorgeous as the Prague backdrop, and it had just the right mix of action and storyline.  N watched it with me and didn’t complain once, and though we both agreed that the plot could have definitely been better-developed, it wasn’t terrible.  Plus, Samuel L. Jackson is just cool.  Thumbs up!

Fortunately, I like to be busy

We have sooooo much coming up over the next couple of months.  I don’t think we have a free weekend until after returning from Denver in mid-June, then we have a short breather before another round of travel in July.  Baseball games, gymnastics exhibitions, weddings, birthday parties, family visits, business trips…the summer is filling up fast.  It really kind of makes me wonder what we’ll do with ourselves when the kids are grown up and out of the house.  We’ll have a lot of free time, that’s for sure.


I ran 5 miles today.  That is all.

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