I know, I know. Believe me, I am very aware that it has been entirely too long since my last post. I could give you a ton of excuses, but that’s exactly what they would be. The truth of the matter is, I’m just lazy. There’s been plenty to write about – finishing school, going to Arizona for graduation and a mini-vacation, Misty’s pre-k “graduation”, putting the house up for sale, which is of course related to the fact that I am soon starting a new job. In California.

Yep. This post is coming to you from a tiny studio apartment at the edge of Union Square in San Francisco. It’s a far cry from the comfortable familiarity of a mid-sized town in central Texas, that is for damn sure. This place is only temporary (thank the tiny baby Jesus in his tiny little manger because holy crap, some of the nearby neighborhoods are…questionable), but will give me a chance to sort out a permanent situation before the kids arrive in early August. In addition to starting a brand-new job, I have to secure daycare, find Lex a school, figure out how to navigate public transportation, and somehow find a place to live that is all of the following:

A – 3 bedroom

B – (relatively) affordable

C – dog and cat friendly, and

D – located in minimally sketchy surroundings

This will be harder than you’d think.

The logistics are going to be a nightmare, there’s no doubt about it. Not to mention, everything about living in an urban area is a departure from what I’m accustomed to. It will take an entire readjustment to my way of thinking before I can call this city home. I’ll have to get used to the fact that it will take ages to get where I’m going, I’ll have to wrangle two kids (one scatterbrained, one mulishly stubborn) using public transportation on the regular, everything costs an arm and a leg (except the groceries at Trader Joe’s, HUZZAH!), and there are incredibly vocal crazy people everywhere. No, really. EVERYWHERE.

But! I’m optimistic. I love a challenge, which is probably obvious otherwise I wouldn’t have accepted a job thousands of miles away in the first place. It’s a great opportunity to do something I’ve always wanted, and I’m grateful to have a husband that is willing to take the plunge along with me. The kids seem excited, as much as they can be with limited comprehension of what this actually MEANS to their wee lives, and I’m absolutely positive it will all work out fine in the end. We’ll move in, get settled, and soon SF will feel just as much home as any other place.

It will be an adjustment, but I’m a firm believer that anything worth having is worth working for. Complacency and acceptance of the status quo are boring to me, and the only way to live to the fullest is by changing up the norm. I’ll of course miss my “old” life – I had worked at that job for over 8 years and it was comfortable. Frustrating and crazy-making at (many) times, but at least I knew what I was doing. I’ve left all of my friends and family behind – no more weekend jaunts to my parents’ place just because the kids need a change of scenery. All of that is over now, and it is time for a new beginning.

That said, my goal is to write here far, far more often than before. Like near-daily, at least at first while I’m here alone. I’ll certainly have more time on my hands, and may as well use it. This blog won’t be just a place for me to moan and whine (as much) anymore (oh, who am I kidding. Come for the stories and brilliant commentary, stay for the bitching) – it can be a useful place to keep friends and family caught up on my life. Those who care to know, anyway. And if you fall into that category, then I promise to try and make it worth your while.