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The pursuit of thankfulness

As was probably obvious in the last post, I’m feeling rather…put upon. And crabby. And because of events out of our control, N’s trip to SF has been delayed by a day. Less than a day, actually, but he was scheduled to arrive tonight and now won’t be here until around 3 pm or so […]


Totally copping out with a bulleted list already. I have to be honest, now I remember why my blog posting has always been so sporadic. It turns out that a lot of times I’m just flat not in the mood to write anything, especially not when there’s wine to be consumed and TV to be […]

Eyeballs, etc.

LASIK update Y’all.  Y’ALL.  I had several people tell me how awesome it is, how I would wish I’d done it years ago.  And guess what?  I TOTALLY WISH I’D DONE IT YEARS AGO.  In addition to the cost (which is admittedly substantial), I was mostly worried about silly things, like being required to keep […]


First order of business – N told me he’d divorce me if I refer to him as Nic on this blog.  Or at the very least, take my site down completely!  I was correct in my assumption that he wouldn’t go for Nic, heh.  Betty had a good idea, but I call my father-in-law Roz […]

Bullets of boredom

I felt like writing, but don’t have anything of interest to say.  At all.  You’ve been warned. I’m taking a 5-week class that isn’t going very well so far.  The instructor (a PhD student, mind you) didn’t even post the syllabus until the third day of class, and she’s been equally slackerish in terms of […]