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My Christmas vacation, in numbers and iPhone pictures

Number of separate family celebrations attended: 2 Number of nights I spent sleeping on a slowly-deflating air mattress in my parents’ study: 4 Number of times each night Miss T rolled off her pallet and into the closet doors: 1 Number of Dora the Explorer-themed gifts received by Miss T for either Christmas or birthday: […]

In celebration of November’s end

We had a very nice holiday weekend, visiting family down in the lovely Swamp of Enchantment.  It’s usually hectic when we go down there, since we have to try and cram in visits to all of the various and sundry old folks.  But this time most of them were congregated in one place for lunch, […]

Happy Thanksgiving!

I’m typing this post from the WordPress app on my iPhone, sitting in my in-laws’ living room. That’s dedication, folks. Well, fine. This is me, checking out how well the app works. But either way, I hope your Thanksgiving has been pleasantly full of turkey, family and football, or whatever makes you happy!!

Apologies to all you November babies

Today I had the following e-mail exchange with my sister: Sher: I want Thanksgiving: Me: Thanksgiving does sound good, as much as I hate the month of November in general.

Parade of stupidity

We went down to The Swamp for the long weekend.  We always stay at my parents’ house even though my in-laws live there too (I am more comfortable at my parents’, and I’m a brat that way), and even though my mom and dad were not at home this weekend we stayed at their house […]