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NonSoccerMom and the Rock Candy of Doom

As anyone who follows me on Twitter or is my friend on Facebook knows, I’ve been having a bit of an odd obsession lately.  And that obsession is with rock candy.  Really, though, don’t blame me.  You can thank Kristine.  It was this post that did it.  I saw that rock candy (on a very […]

Poltergeist? Or something else?

Last night  – or technically in the wee hours this morning if you’re going for full accuracy – I was awakened by a sudden cry from Miss T.  The baby monitor was turned up a little too loud so even though she didn’t need intervention, it was too late.  I was already awake.

Preparations. Or not.

I took today off work so that I can pack, straighten up the house, and deposit Miss T with my parents.  However, for the last several days I’ve been lamenting how hard it will be to get anything done with her underfoot.  Folding laundry is a near-impossible task with her around to “help”, and she […]

Every topic under the sun? CHECK.

Oh, THANK GOD IT IS MONDAY.  I am not even kidding.  AE has been out of town so much this summer it had been a while since we had to wrangle both children at home all weekend long.  GAH.  AE bounces around continuously, and since becoming accustomed to playing Wii at my in-laws house he […]

In which my sanity comes into question

Verdict:  LAME So today was the day of my scheduled jury duty.  And I did not get picked.  Bummer.  I was juror #322, though, so I can’t say that it was a huge surprise they didn’t get to my name on the list.  On the plus side, it didn’t take very long for them to […]