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There is so much champagne* in my future

It’s been a rough few days.  No one thing in particular, but a few nights ago N received some sad news that we’re both having a hard time with.  And because of that, we’ve been trying to plan something that we can’t seem to work out, and it’s been hella frustrating.  (And if those weren’t […]

Soon we’ll all be dead

So, another week and a half has flown by with no update from me.  I doubt anyone cares, but you know.  There’s no point in pretending that I have been up to anything interesting during that time, mostly just the same old, same old.  Busy at work, busy at home, and life marches on.

Scenes from a wedding

Not MY wedding, mind you, but the one I attended this weekend was very reminiscent of my own.  In fact, apparently the backdrop we used for our wedding was the inspiration for this bride’s decor.  I’m honored!  The ceremony itself was beautiful (and made me a little verklempt, as weddings tend to do) and the reception was a […]

Public Service Announcement

Last night I drank an entire bottle of wine all by myself.  True story.  It was this:

A Summer Story

Once upon a time, there was a little boy called AE.  It isn’t his real name, of course, but it is how his mother refers to him on her blog because those are his initials and she isn’t very creative.  Anyway, AE recently graduated from kindergarten. Â