It has been a spectacularly dull week around here. I don’t have anything going on at work, which always brings my motivation level down to zero. It seems to be affecting me at home too – I have laundry to do, I’m behind on my scrapbooks, the sheets on the beds need to be changed, etc., and I don’t want to do any of it. Blah.


I remember my mom coming home one day about 15 years ago, telling me about a kindergarten student in one of her music classes. This kid had memorized the name of every U.S. President – in the order that they held office. Unbeknownst to us, this kid would one day become my brother-in-law. It seems that this fascination with our country’s leaders is genetically encoded. AE is becoming quite the little expert (and know-it-all). Last night N was at a softball game, so I was the one to read AE his bedtime stories. I was hoping I could avoid any presidential reading, but no such luck. AE was quite insistent that I “need to learn about this”. Nothing better than being lectured on your lack of knowledge about American history by your 4-year-old.


AE desperately needs a haircut. I guess I’ll take him to get one this weekend – of course, I’ve been saying this for the last several weekends and it hasn’t happened yet. For some reason it is one of those chores that I just hate. Not that he is uncooperative or anything, I suppose I’m just lazy. I don’t think I can put it off any longer, though. He’s starting to look a bit like a mad scientist.


It’s Friday, so that inevitably means a trip to McDonald’s for a Happy Meal. We did that for AE one Friday after school and he’s decided it is now the routine. I don’t really mind it since I never plan to cook on Fridays anyway. Thankfully today I’m not in the mood for a milkshake.

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