Resounding success.  WOO!

Guess what?!  I finally convinced my sister to start her own blog!  Well, in the interest of full disclosure I sort of started it for her because I figured she couldn’t say no if it was already all set up and ready to go.  And I’m the big sister so really I’m the boss of her anyway.  

Hey, what are you still doing here?  Go!  Check it out!  Leave comments!  Encourage her!  Give her a nudge (or a kick in the ass)!

And common sense FAIL.

I shouldn’t even admit this in a public venue.  It is really a new low, even for me.  However, I do have the ability to laugh at myself and I know that other people enjoy laughing AT me so share I shall.

Last night I was driving home when I suddenly decided that I needed to get rid of the foul taste in my mouth.  I don’t know why I couldn’t wait the 15 minutes until home, where I could have just brushed my teeth.  Alas, I could not wait.  And I didn’t have gum, or even a mint.  However, I did have a travel-sized bottle of Scope.

So I thought, I’ll just use a tiny bit and swallow it afterwards.  A little bit won’t kill me. 

But.  It turns out that it is very difficult to take just a tiny swig of mouthwash when you are simultaneously operating a motor vehicle.  Now I’m driving down the road with a big mouthful of Scope, and do I have even an old cup or travel mug with me?  Did I think this little exercise all the way through?  Do you even need to ask?

I could have spit it out the window, I suppose.  But just yesterday I was regaled with a story by a horrified coworker.  A story that ended with a woman hocking a big loogie out the window of her SUV.  I didn’t want to be That Woman.  (Of course, is it really so much better to be the woman who uses mouthwash in the car?)

ANYWAY, my point is that now I have a ton of Scope-soaked tissues in my cup holder and a Scope-stained pair of pants in my laundry basket.  I truly am the poster child for unbelievably idiotic behavior.