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Updates (Title! Such creative! So exciting!)

I guess I’m back to posting sporadically, which is presumably better than not posting at all. I suppose so, anyway. Even though I really enjoy writing, I find there isn’t much of interest going on in my day-to-day life. At least not much of anything that I could write about in a way to be […]

This cannot be real life

It’s been weeks now since the election and I’m still not over it. I don’t know that I ever will be. Beyond the obvious heartbreak that this country apparently would rather have a racist, bigoted, misogynistic blowhard reality TV star in our highest office than a woman with a normal amount of political scandals in […]

Here we are

I really do want to get back into blogging, so I guess the best thing to do is just a little free association-type writing…and a few updates. The Job – is the job. Good days and bad, just like any job. I have a great team and have made some good friends. That is all […]

This blog has been dead for almost 2 years but who cares! Let’s talk about Sons of Anarchy!

Hi! Obviously it has been *mumble mumble* months since I posted anything, but it’s never too late to revive this poor blog, right? Especially when I have very important things to talk about. Things like Sons of Anarchy. Forget about boring updates on why I haven’t posted lo these many (many) months, I HAVE TO […]

This week, in summary

It has been a week, let me tell you. For everyone, it seems. Here’s an overview, as told in a series of (slightly edited) email excerpts between my sister and me. As you’ll see, our conversations span a wide variety of extremely important topics. *** Monday Sher: I was in some kind of FUNK this […]