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This blog has been dead for almost 2 years but who cares! Let’s talk about Sons of Anarchy!

Hi! Obviously it has been *mumble mumble* months since I posted anything, but it’s never too late to revive this poor blog, right? Especially when I have very important things to talk about. Things like Sons of Anarchy. Forget about boring updates on why I haven’t posted lo these many (many) months, I HAVE TO […]

This week, in summary

It has been a week, let me tell you. For everyone, it seems. Here’s an overview, as told in a series of (slightly edited) email excerpts between my sister and me. As you’ll see, our conversations span a wide variety of extremely important topics. *** Monday Sher: I was in some kind of FUNK this […]


I know, I know. Believe me, I am very aware that it has been entirely too long since my last post. I could give you a ton of excuses, but that’s exactly what they would be. The truth of the matter is, I’m just lazy. There’s been plenty to write about – finishing school, going […]

In which we are crazy people

Yesterday my entire family was getting together for lunch at my aunt’s house in The Woodlands.  And I’ve been looking at cars, and found one that interested me at a dealership there.  So after lunch, N and I left the kids in the capable and willing hands of my relatives and headed out. Just to […]

Apologies to all you November babies

Today I had the following e-mail exchange with my sister: Sher: I want Thanksgiving: Me: Thanksgiving does sound good, as much as I hate the month of November in general.