AE has been asked to speak at his kindergarten graduation.  N and I received an e-mail from his teacher explaining what he needed to do, and the very first thing that we both thought was Well, I guess she figures that the immediate danger has passed and he won’t say the f-word in front of the whole school.  Parents of the year, right here.


My brother-in-law – let’s call him Bill (B-I-L.  Get it?  HA HA HA! I crack myself up) – stayed with us for a couple days this week while he was in between apartments.  It was either that or make him sleep in his car.  Which apparently he was originally planning to do.  I was giving him a hard time:  my God man!  You are always welcome in our house.  At the very least, we’ll let you pull your car in the garage so you aren’t just sleeping in it out on the street!  GEEZ.  Men.  He’s my husband’s brother for sure, what with the NOT THINKING and the underdeveloped COMMON SENSE.  (Hi guys!  Love ya!)

My point is that Bill was willing to sit down and watch Saw II with me on Wednesday night – something that my husband would never do.  Such movies are beneath him, you know.  He removed himself from the room to “do work” or some other such nonsense.

ANYWAY, it was okay.  I didn’t like it as much as Saw.  This one was quite a bit more violent and needlessly bloody.  There were several scenes where I was peeking out between my fingers (much to Bill’s amusement) and shrieking like a little girl.  It started out badly, with a scene involving an eyeball and a scalpel.  I’m not squeamish but I DO NOT DO violence against eyeballs.  Amputations, razor traps, explosions, poison gas, gunshots, syringes, whatever, but LEAVE THE EYEBALLS OUT OF IT.  GAH.

Overall, it was pretty decently written (for a horror movie, of course.  It’s all relative.) and there weren’t any glaring plot holes as far as I noticed.  As with the first one, as long as you are okay watching macabre, creepy, disturbing subject matter and you don’t have a problem with bloody, violent films (or the f-word) you’ll probably like this one.  However, Bill and I were in agreement that Saw is much better.

Speaking of movies, N and I watched Wild Hogs a couple of weeks ago.  Hilarious!  We both really enjoyed it.  I love William H. Macy, and Ray Liotta is one of my favorites as well.  There were some silly parts, but overall it was really fun.  A good story, and overall it was pretty clean.  There were a few short scenes that would have made me squirm a little if my parents were in the room, but nothing terrible.  (I am very much against raunchy comedies.  I think I have mentioned my grandma-like sense of humor before.  Stuff like that just isn’t funny to me.)  So in short:  two thumbs up!  From both of us!  It’s a first, I think.

And while I’m on a reviewing roll, how about a wine review?

This 2007 Schmitt Söhne Relax Mosel Riesling  (from Longuich, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany) was a birthday gift to me from my good buddy Clark W. Griswold (very, very infrequent reader and commenter.  Hey man!!)  He bought it because he knew I would like the bottle and he also knows of my preference for smoother white wines.  And I must say, he did a great job.  This is a really easy wine to drink.  If you don’t really like wine or are just getting started in drinking it, this is the wine for you.  Very light, fruity, and smooth going down.  Like most rieslings, far more sweet than bitter.  Yum.  I highly recommend it.

When I was looking for the one I took of that wine, I found this picture.  It was the first time I had seen it, and it makes me laugh:

Ha!  In the middle of that round bed, doesn’t she look like she could be a logo for something?  Of course, I’m not sure what kind of company would want to use a logo that shows a greyhound in its true state.  Most, like the bus line, would have the good sense to use a picture of one running.  I’m here to tell you, greyhounds are in motion approximately 1% of the time.  The rest of the time?  See above.