Last night I put Miss T down for the night as usual. About 15 minutes later she started to fuss so I went into her pitch-black bedroom (save for the world’s crappiest nightlight) and reached into her crib. I expected to touch nothing but, oh I DON’T KNOW, the BABY? Instead the first thing I felt was warm fur. GAH! Freaking CAT was IN MY BABY’S CRIB. WHERE MY BABY ALSO WAS. Miss T was fine of course, and truth be told was probably more freaked out by my reaction (Exclamation! Expletive! Tossing of cat!) than anything else. I swear, that cat is just constantly finding new ways to mess with me. And now she will be locked in my room every night at bedtime so that I don’t have to worry about this happening again. Baby suffocation by cat is a big paranoid worry for me.

Today is Food Friday at work (our department does this once a month), so I’ll be watching to see if FSL makes an appearance. Sadly, I’m betting she won’t. In preparation for Food Friday an e-mail gets sent out with a list of categories and the people assigned to bring that kind of food. (Lest you think this is ridiculously organized, it is really just so we don’t end up with a half-dozen pans of brownies. Which has happened before.) So my supervisor forwarded the e-mail to FSL with a note saying something along the lines of “I’ve noticed you have been enjoying our food so I thought you might like to participate by bringing something to share.” Hee. The e-mail is pretty awesome in and of itself but will probably curb any future instances of food theft. We’ll see.

I was thinking on my way to work this morning that I would really like to take a vacation. Right now we can’t afford the kind of trip that I would like to take, but that doesn’t stop me from daydreaming about it. I would love to go back to Europe. N and I went to Paris and London a while back and had a fantastic time – it was probably the best vacation I’ve ever had the good fortune to take. (Side note: traveling in the off season – in this case, late February – is the BEST THING EVER. You can get great deals and there are not giant hoardes of other tourists everywhere you go.) I’m hoping that for our 10th wedding anniversary (in 2011) we can go to Eastern Europe sans kiddos. We’ve got 3 years to save the money so hopefully we can make it happen! I love traveling just in general though, so going anywhere that involves getting on an airplane will be okay by me. Now I’m curious – what’s the best trip you have ever been on?