I think I have finally realized why all of my posts are nothing more than random tidbits strung together. That’s pretty much how my life is too. There has been no single large event of late, just a series of small pieces. So there you have it.


Last night AE went to get a drink of water and discovered my glass (okay, cheap plastic cup. I have a thing about drinking out of glass containers) on the kitchen table. It had ice in it so of course the outside was all sweaty. He picked it up, came and found me, and proceeded to lecture me. “You need to use a coaster, Mommy. Always use a coaster so there won’t be water rings on the table.” Well, OKAY THEN, Scoldy McCriticize. Apparently he’s been paying attention when visiting my parents’ house – my dad is a smidge anal retentive about protecting all of their furniture. Conversely, I care so little about our kid-proof furniture that we don’t even OWN coasters. Not to mention that any damage to our kitchen table was not caused by condensation but by a certain someone being careless with a pen. I’m just saying.


This afternoon I went out to lunch with a friend, and we met up with another of her friends at the restaurant. While I’ve heard a lot about this other friend, I had never actually met her until today. And was I in for a shock when I discovered that SHE LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE N’S EX-GIRLFRIEND. I mean almost identical, right down to the smile. This girl was taller and had darker eyes and hair, but the facial features, lack of makeup, and general demeanor were freakily similar. She was very funny and nice, but I had a hard time focusing on the conversation. I just spent the entire meal gawking. Hopefully I wasn’t staring too much.


I’ve actually walked on our treadmill the last two nights, and had forgotten how nice it feels to actually get some decent exercise. I had a lot of round ligament pain starting in the middle of my pregnancy with Miss T, so unfortunately I’ve been pretty sedentary for the last several months. I have taken the dog for her daily walk from time to time (usually that responsibility falls to my husband while I’m cooking dinner), but I don’t consider that to be true exercise. Being a greyhound, our dog doesn’t require much more in the way of exercise than a quick trip around the block and the occasional dash through our backyard. Greyhounds are truly lazy creatures, much like myself. However, I can change since that trait has not been ingrained in my DNA due to 2000 years of specific breeding. At least I hope not.


For lack of anything decent on TV in the evenings, I’ve started re-watching the Lord of Rings trilogy. Starting, of course, with The Fellowship of the Ring. (Tangent: I say “of course” as if it is a given, but I’ve been seeing ads on USA Network for the Indiana Jones trilogy, presumably since the 4th movie will be in theaters soon. Anyway, I couldn’t help but notice that they are starting off with Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Why? That is the LAST movie in the trilogy, why would you start off with it? I realize that those movies all stand alone and can be viewed in any order but still, it makes no sense.) I must admit that I love this movie and I enjoy it far more than either of the others. The scenery is breathtaking, the story is engaging (full disclosure: I haven’t read any of the books. I know I would like them because I have actually read and enjoyed The Hobbit, but who has the time these days?), and the characters are all well-developed. Also, there isn’t too much Gollum which is a big drawback in the two sequels as far as I’m concerned. A few things I don’t like: Frodo. I’m not sure what Elijah Wood’s deal is, but sometimes he’s laying it on a bit thick. It’s just too much of the big doe eyes and fakey fake accent. Also, I love Orlando Bloom but am less than impressed with his ability to speak a pretend foreign language. His character is an Elf, but his Elvish is far less convincing than that spoken by Liv Tyler (who is SO PRETTY, by the way) or particularly Viggo Mortensen. OH MY GOD I am such a nerd.