So, the daycare called me this morning at 8:45 saying that I needed to come get AE – he had been crying with an earache practically since I dropped him off. Of course, as soon as I got there the tears immediately stopped and he was all “Yay! I get to go home and have a long weekend!”. At this point I developed doubts about his actual level of illness, but I had already scheduled an appointment with the pediatrician so home we went. (Of course, it being Friday meant that the earliest appointment I could get wasn’t until 2:10 p.m., but I digress.)

Since he obviously didn’t feel too bad he stayed out of my hair all morning, playing on his own while I did various unexciting house-related tasks so I wouldn’t have to mess with them later. I was home for slightly over three hours (waiting for N to come home and relieve me) and in that time I accomplished the following:

  1. cleaned litter box (bleh. wish I was still pregnant so I could get out of this one!)
  2. changed the sheets on our bed
  3. stripped the sheets from AE’s bed (this is not as easy as you would think, because he has some sort of weird book and stuffed animal hoarding compulsion)
  4. put the aforementioned sheets in the washer
  5. vacuumed the entire house thoroughly, including behind the dog crate (ew, btw)
  6. folded and put away three loads of laundry
  7. cleaned out one of Miss T’s dresser drawers of already too-small clothes (wah!)
  8. located N’s “missing” flip-flops (in…wait for it…his CLOSET)
  9. emptied dishwasher (one of my least favorite tasks)
  10. put away clean pots, pans and crockpot that were drying on the counter
  11. washed the dishes and baby bottles that were in the sink
  12. emptied the bathroom garbage cans into the kitchen trash and took it out
  13. finally filled in the birth info on this little decorative pillow in Miss T’s room
  14. sorted more clothes and put another load in the washer
  15. opened a package and put away the contents (I got an awesome deal on diapers!)
  16. took some recyclables out to the garage
  17. made lunch for the child and myself (and then actually sat down to eat it)

Woo hoo! Now I can relax tonight and this weekend instead of having all of these un-fun tasks looming over me. I am so boringly domestic, and also turning into my mother. Oh, and as a side note – after I had completed all of these various tasks, my husband comes home and the first thing he says is “It smells funky in here.” Sigh.

P.S. AE has an ear infection. So I guess he was justified in complaining of an earache after all! Sorry, kid.