For all intents and purposes I have been awake since 2:30 this morning.  Consequently I am slightly on edge and find the following items offensive today:            

People who send me their proposal files one at a time, in separate e-mails.  Come on, people.  E-mail does actually have the capability of sending several attachments at once.  Sending me six e-mails in the space of 10 minutes does nothing but make me mad.                                            

People who drive 30 miles an hour when the speed limit is 50.  And then somehow manage to be in both lanes at once when I try to pass them.

People who drive crappily in general and should never have been issued a drivers license.

Waiters who have an attitude problem.  We had a baby shower for a coworker today, and when my boss asked if sweetened tea was available the waiter says No.  But we have sugar and a spoon.  WTF?  (That’s okay, though, because he forgot to add in the automatic 15% gratuity even though there were 20 people at our table.  Unwise.)

People who cannot answer a simple question when presented with two choices.

People who leave giant coffee rings on the counter in the breakroom.

People who use apostrophes incorrectly.  (In all fairness this is not unique to today, I am always bothered by apostrophe abusers.)

The fact that a child in Miss T’s class has been diagnosed with Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease, which while not serious just SOUNDS gross.  And is also highly contagious.