Thanksgiving was good.  We spent it at my parents’ retirement place, which is always kind of a nice change.  However, they have a really crappy cable package since they don’t live there full-time so we have to come up with alternative methods of entertainment.  Which is fine for the kids since they don’t really watch TV anyway, but we did have to get a little creative at times…

So there was dancing to this goofy little Christmas dog that sang a version of “Shout”.

And there was pointing at stuff.

General goofing off around the house,

and climbing on rocks* (much to Nonna’s dismay.  “Be careful!  Somebody watch him!!”)

Sliding** on various playgrounds,

unauthorized golfing,

and visiting underground caves.

We may or may not have eaten a little bit too, but I fortunately do not have photographic evidence.

All in all, a very pleasant holiday weekend, especially when you figure in a trip to get Mexican food at Chuy’s sans kiddos.  That right there made the trip worthwhile!

*No one is more surprised than me that scaredy-child would like climbing on these rocks.

**Ditto going down this slide, which was far higher than his usual allowable height.  Maybe gymnastics is making a difference after all.