The weather was beautiful yesterday, so we walked the kids and dog down to the park.  And like any pretty day, there were several other families enjoying it as well.  In fact, we were greeted by a little boy upon our arrival:  HEY.  HEY!!  THAT’S A REALLY SKINNY DOG.  DID YOU KNOW YOUR DOG IS REALLY SKINNY?!  You know, I actually did not realize that.  Thanks, kid.

Anyway, while we were there I encountered a couple of situations that made me just a touch uncomfortable.  I didn’t really know how to react either time, and I have to wonder if I am the only parent that worries about stuff like this or if I am just making a big deal over nothing.  (That would be a shock to all, I’m sure.)

Situation #1: A little girl comes over while I’m pushing Miss T on the baby swing.  Her mother is still back at the slides with the sister.  The little girl is about 4, and wants me to put her in the other baby swing since her mom is busy at the moment.  I didn’t feel like I should do that, for a couple of reasons:  A)  Some people are not keen on total strangers touching their children; and B)  She was a little big for the baby swing and her mother may not have wanted her in it.  (I’m a little unsure of putting older children in baby swings after that time my cousin and I got Sher stuck in one.)  Fortunately, as I was weighing my options the mom and little sister had arrived to save me from my self-made dilemma.

Situation #2: AE sees a boy about his age playing with a basketball on the park’s court.  He wants to join in.  However, the boy’s mother is shooting baskets herself, and may not want me forcing her to invite AE in on the fun.  I do realize that most parents wouldn’t have a problem with it at all, but I don’t know.  It just makes me uncomfortable to put a random stranger on the spot like that.  I managed to put AE off by promising him we would bring his basketball next time.

So what would you have done in these situations?  Am I making too big of a deal here?  Are both of these non-issues?

Oh, and while we were there AE leaned forward on the jungle gym and then loudly and repeatedly announced that his pee-pee was being squished.  I’m fairly certain that this is NOT proper behavior at the park.  Or anywhere else, for that matter.