I haven’t stopped watching movies entirely over the last few months, but I haven’t seen anything new in its entirety either (my self-imposed criterion for reviewing).  However, we have a different cable package now so we have all sorts of movie channels we didn’t have before.  I will admit it is really nice to just scan the listing guide to find something to watch, and a movie buff such as myself LOVES having access to all of the peripheral movie channels (Encore Action, Encore Mystery, Starz Comedy) that play great older stuff  instead of just new releases.  I watched the following movies in part this weekend, but will go ahead and review since I have seen all of them in their entirety before:

The Running Man – HA HA HA HA.  This movie is funny to me, although I’m not sure that it is supposed to be.  Schwarzenegger’s cheesy one-liners are just incredibly lame, and far too numerous.  They added NOTHING to the film (much like the double entendres in most Bond movies).  The action is fun though and since that is by far my genre of choice, I do actually enjoy watching this one.  It is by no means a good movie but if you like action then you should give it a try.  Be warned, though – it is pretty violent.  Well, as much as any cheesy action flick of the eighties, I guess.

The Fugitive – I’m sure you’ve seen this one.  I am willing to bet that most everyone has seen it, but that is because it’s a great film all the way around.  The listings guide for our digital cable even gives it four stars which is pretty impressive because for some reason whoever rates movies for that thing is very stingy with their stars.  Harrison Ford is fantastic (although, when is he not?) as the doctor wrongly accused of his wife’s murder, and Tommy Lee Jones’ federal marshal is awesome.  All right, listen up people.  Our fugitive has been on the run for ninety minutes…

Six Days Seven Nights – This is another Harrison Ford movie that I really enjoy.  I don’t think it did as well theatrically as it could have (on account of Anne Heche being nuts) but it is a lot of fun.  I have to watch it just about every single time it comes on.  It is the perfect blend of action, comedy and romance for me, no schmaltziness at all.  Heche is the weak link, I don’t really like her to begin with and her character is a tad whiny, but she isn’t enough to stop me from enjoying this movie immensely.

Back to the Future – What child of the eighties doesn’t like this one?  Action, comedy, science fiction…overall a fantastic movie.  And as with so many, the original is the best.

I also had the opportunity to sample a new wine this weekend – Barefoot brand Merlot.  I don’t have a photo because we were having dinner with the family of one of AE’s friends.  And while I could have taken a picture with my iPhone I did not really feel like explaining the whole thing to the mother – a woman with a PhD in a medical field.  Oh, you study genetics and research disease resistance?  Well, I have a blog where I talk about wine.  Anyhow, as with all the other Barefoot wines I’ve tried so far, it was quite good!  They’re inexpensive, but I have yet to be disappointed.  Oh, here, use this picture as a placeholder:

Just imagine a darker glass bottle with a blue label that says Merlot.  By the way, the pictured Moscato is my favorite wine so far.  Excellently (or, “deliciously”) sweet and light.  Yum.

So no disappointment with the weekend movie and beverage choices, but I am rather disappointed in myself for not actually purchasing the wine goblet/objet d’ art that AE and I uncovered at our local Ross store:


N is very disappointed in me too.  But in my defense, I was so distracted by the bling that all I could do was take a picture.  I may have to go back for it though.  I mean, really.  How awesome is this thing?  Answer:  VERY.