Wee Acrobat

If you haven’t seen the video that N posted of Miss T, then please click on over and take a look.  Go on, I’ll wait.  It is hilarious, yet frightening.                          

Games Boys Play

AE had a scrape on his elbow after coming home from school the other day.  I made the mistake of asking about it.

Me: What happened to your elbow, AE?  that is a pretty big scrape.

AE: Wellllllll, you see…[Conversations started in this manner rarely end well]  I was playing a game at school and I scraped it.

Me: What kind of game?

AE: It was called “Run Into the Wall”.

Me: I’m not sure I want to know the rules.

AE: You tell a joke, and then you run into the wall.  And I scraped my elbow.

Me: I was afraid of that.

Sweet fancy Moses.  Six-year-old boys aren’t really an argument for continued survival of the species, are they?  I do enjoy the fact that you couldn’t just run into the wall all willy-nilly.  There were RULES.  First a joke.  Then the pain.

A Wine Review

I wanted to like it.  I tried to like it.  I drank the whole bottle (not all at ONCE, jeez) trying to give it a chance.  However, I just did not care for Big Tattoo Red.  It was bitter, and icky, and it didn’t grow on me at all.  I am very disappointed that I didn’t like it, because after reading the back label I realized that a portion of the proceeds go to cancer research.  I have a fleur-de-lis tattoo, I WANTED TO LIKE IT.  But.  The fact of the matter is:  it was gross.

Bare Naked Zombies

Usually I won’t review a movie unless I have seen it in its entirety.  However, I have to suspend that rule for two gems that I saw parts of recently:  I Know Who Killed Me and – wait for it – Zombie Strippers! Yes.

Five minutes into I Know Who Killed Me I could tell it was crap, and with Zombie Strippers! (their emphasis, not mine, although I can see how undead strippers could warrant an exclamation point) it took less than five seconds.  Actually, I think the title of that one was a dead giveaway – no pun intended.

I had heard that I Know Who Killed Me was bad, and that doesn’t begin to cover it.  Maybe it was because I only saw parts of it, but I have seen a lot (LOOOOOOOOOOOOOT) of horror movies and they follow a pretty basic formula.  But this one was all over the place.  Probably because Lindsay Lohan was attempting to play two characters, I think.  Either way, it was trying too hard and just failed on all fronts.  I can watch crappy movies, but not crappy movies that are trying to be serious.  Which this was.

And as for Zombie Strippers! – it was campy and cheesy and FUNNY and that was kind of the point.  It wasn’t trying to be Oscar-worthy, and really, that is all I look for in a horror movie.  I don’t know that I could have watched the whole thing, but it was better than watching Lindsay.  However, I do think that Robert Englund has sunk to an all-time low.  He should have stuck with Freddy.