My coworkers are so lucky.  This morning I was just a ray of sunshine.  (Surprise!)  Actually, truth be told I was completely fine until a series of (unrelated) e-mails that sent me completely over the edge from cheerful(ish) to utterly homicidal in a matter of moments.

Once the downward spiral had started, not even coffee could save me.  Believe me, I tried.  But the same person** that manages to make my life frustrating all on his lonesome was coming at me from all directions, most of them indirectly.  Like, HE wasn’t even the one e-mailing me to say HEY!  I’m a pain in your ass!  Other people were e-mailing me to say HEY!  This guy?!  I’m going to make it so that he’s a pain in your ass!  I believe at one point I sent an IM to BB that just said KILL KILL KILL.  Followed by one to Clark W. Griswold that extolled the many virtues of vodka shots and their value in the workplace.

Anyhow, I will say that there is one thing that managed to pull me back from the brink.  And that thing is Chick-fil-A.  Oh, combo meal #1 with Polynesian sauce and mayo, how I love you.  I’m sure that everyone within a mile radius loves you too since I can’t yell with my mouth full.  And I know there hasn’t been cocaine in Coca-Cola for like a hundred years but I think my Coke Zero may have been laced with something today because after a few sips I was high as a kite and happy as a clam.

I’m not sure that I have a point here except to say Hello!  I haven’t posted in a while, and also, Happy Monday!

*Clark W. Griswold tells me that “stabby” is not a valid emotion.  To that I say, why don’t you wait until I violently attack you with my pen and then decide if that’s how I was feeling.

**I like my job, yo.  That’s all you get in terms of details.