My daughter – whom I of course love dearly but that doesn’t change the fact that I am about to state – has been a real asshole at bedtime for the last few nights.  You see, on Sunday night I made a fatal error.  Miss T’s wee tummy was upset so I was a nice, sympathetic mommy for once and I rocked her until she fell asleep.

NO GOOD.  She enjoyed being rocked and sang to a little too much and now she wants me to do it every night.  N gives me a hard time about being hard-nosed, BUT NOW I KNOW.  THIS IS WHY WE DO NOT DO THIS.

Monday night she screamed for two hours.  TWO.  SOLID.  HOURS.  And it was just that, pissed-off angry screaming.  If I went in there and stood by the crib patting her back, she was happy as a lark.  As soon as I pulled my hand away, angry yelling and screaming.  We haven’t had to do the whole cry-it-out bit since she was less than a year old and didn’t talk, and let me tell you firsthand, it is heart-rending when you hear that voice screaming MAMA!  MAMA!  MAAAAMAAAAAAA!  over the monitor.  There were tears on her part, there were tears on my part, and frustration all over the place for my poor husband.  Basically it sucked.

Last night was better, she reduced the amount of screaming to slightly less than half an hour.  We’ll see how she does tonight, but I’m willing to bet she’ll scream for at least a few minutes.  She is stubborn, that one.

Oh wait, I totally had a point.  (GOD I am long-winded and boring sometimes, so sorry about that).  THE POINT:  I have not been enjoying my evenings all that much, even though I am on vacation.  I was hoping to sit down with my husband and relax without having to go to work the next day.  (Relax = drink wine.)  Alas, no, it has not been working out that way.

And then this morning, I had to drive my poor husband to the ER as he suffered through a kidney stone attack.  Fortunately, he did not suffer for nearly as long as he did the time before, because the lovely nurse gave him morphine almost immediately.  Once that kicked in, he was good to go and actually we were only there for a couple of hours before they determined that the worst was over and he could go home.  Poor AE was about bored to tears, though, so there was THAT driving me nuts too.

And now there’s this post driving me nuts.  It is boring and whiny and crappy and whose dumb idea was it to blog every day this week anyway?  Oh.  Dammit all to hell.  Well, since I started it I’ll finish it I suppose.  And by “it” I mean THIS POST.  Shut up, Self.  GOD.