It’s been a stressful week.  (I don’t really even want to think about how many posts I start off that way.  Maybe that should be my tagline.)  Anyway, no one wants to hear about the reasons for my stress, some of which are easily identifiable (deadline pressure at work),  others of which are vague (non-specific Feeling of Imminent Doom that’s been plaguing me since Sunday afternoon).

So instead of rambling on in great detail about how there are incredibly bitchy people in the world (OMFG, YOU HAVE NO IDEA), I’m going to try and counteract it and remind myself that HELLO, YOU HAVE A PRETTY SWEET LIFE by making a list of things that I am grateful for.  Kind of like I did here, so the obvious things (husband, kids, friends) are mostly excluded because DUH.

So now I present:  Things that are key to NonSoccerMom’s happiness right this very minute, just in case you were wondering (and even if you weren’t):

My faithful, perfectly-broken-in pair of boot-cut jeans.  Kat von D’s Sinner perfume.  New silver hoop earrings.  Twitter.  The delicious discovery of D’Vine Wine of Kemah.  A recently re-discovered blanket my grandma made that folds into a pillow.   Realizing that there’s only one week until Burn Notice returns with new episodes.  Singing loudly in the shower.  A really kick-ass pair of heels, on sale for $19.  Incredibly fugly sweater-like socks, the most comfortable things in the world.  A pair of sweatpants from my high school drill-team days.  Urban Decay De-Slick Mattifying Powder.  Finding out that what could have been a catastrophic plumbing issue was just a simple broken valve.  Watching toddlers do gymnastics.  Live Free or Die Hard. Drinking coffee without creamer.  NCIS on DVD.  Mysteriously being allowed to wear jeans all week at a normally business-casual office.  Roasted red pepper hummus.  Playing Trivial Pursuit with N in the evenings.  Shuffling the songs on my iPod and hearing a long-neglected fave from the end of a list. Vegetating at the end of a long day.  Kangaroo Cry by Blue October.  Guitar Hero:Metallica for Wii.  The Shazaam iPhone app.  This awesome post by Amalah.  Being able to make a friend laugh.  Having a good hair day.  My Skullcandy headphones.  The $1 side salad from McDonald’s.  Vaseline as lip balm.  Being mature enough to finally realize that maybe it really isn’t about me.  Chenin blanc.  Knowing exactly where to find a document when the CEO personally stops by to request it.  Finally having a few minutes to sit down and write.  The unwavering support and endless patience of a wonderful man.  Infinite possibilities.