I have nothing at all to write about, which is why I haven’t updated in over a week. Things have been totally slow and blaaaaaaaaah around here, so I guess I’ll do this meme thing (Hi Kristine!!).

Six weird things about me:

1. I am deathly afraid of roaches. A horrible, paralyzing fear that I know is totally irrational, yet I can do nothing about it. When I see one, pretty much all I can do is scream and hope that someone comes to kill it and dispose of it OUT OF THE ROOM. Roaches, GAH. Even writing about it is freaking me out.

2. I have a tendency to be slightly obsessive-compulsive about certain things. This causes me to have to open and re-close doors to make sure they latched (even if I know they did), lock my car repeatedly, and check that I unplugged my flat iron multiple times (even if I am positive that I already did it).

3. If I like a movie, I can watch it over and over (and over!) without getting tired of it. Really. This is especially true of action movies, as I have seen the Lethal Weapon, Die Hard, and Indiana Jones movies at least twenty times each and am not anywhere close to being sick of them. Oh yes, and Speed. I have seen that one approximately one gajillion times.

4. MacGyver is my favorite TV show of all time. Poo on my husband for making fun of it.

5. I can’t fold clothes on an unmade bed. If my bed is not made, then I have to straighten and arrange the comforter perfectly before I pull the clothes out of the dryer, and then the clothes can only touch the comforter, nothing else.

6. I do not eat red meat. I don’t really have a good reason for this, except that the only beef I really ever cared for was hamburgers which aren’t all that healthy anyway. And now it is just me being stubborn. I haven’t eaten it for almost 10 years (except while I was pregnant), so why start now?

TAG! You’re it! If you have a blog, post your 6 weird things there, if not, how about the comments? Come on, people, I know you’re out there!!