Look at my pretty shiny site! I picked out a new template and then my husband fixed it all up for me because I am kind of technologically challenged (to say the least – why do you think none of my posts have photos? BECAUSE I AM TOO DUMB TO DO IT). So yay! I like this look much better. Oh, and I also updated the “this is me” page because I had another kid and all that, and I am going to actually try to add a picture to that page later today. Try being the operative word.


And now it’s time for a movie review! If you look through the posts from the last several months, it would appear that I no longer watch movies at all. This is not the case, I guess what with the new baby and all I just didn’t feel like writing reviews. And this is my blog so I can do whatever I want. Anyway, last night I sat down to watch my latest Netflix pick – Alien. I had seen it before, but it was a long time ago and I don’t think I saw the whole thing from the very beginning. Speaking of the beginning, it started out very sloooooooooooow. Like 2001: A Space Odyssey slow. (I hate that movie, by the way. Boring much?) Also, I couldn’t hear a damn thing anyone was saying at first. I don’t know if it was just a bad disc or what, but half of the dialogue for the first 30 minutes sounded pretty much like this: mghfrnmphmphgfrmemeghrm. Mrpfhm! Finally the sound seemed to even out a little and I could tell what was going on without the assistance of the subtitles. Overall, a very good movie. It has just the right amount of suspense and isn’t heavy on the gore. The one thing I found truly annoying was the character Lambert. Good god woman, you are giving us all a bad name with your sniveling and whining. Shut up already! I may have cheered for the alien a little when Ms. Lambert’s number was up. So in summary: if you like horror or suspense movies at all, this one is definitely worth picking up.


Question: if the dress code for your workplace is “business casual” – meaning that jeans are only allowed on Fridays – do people try to get away with wearing colored denim the rest of the week? As far as I know, denim = jeans. However, we have a person at my office who wears black jeans AND black tennis shoes every single day. Every single day! It is like a uniform. I am not fooled, I do have eyeballs. They may be black, but you are still defying the dress code by wearing jeans and tennis shoes Monday – Thursday (we are actually allowed to wear tennis shoes with our jeans on Fridays provided they are clean-looking). But for some reason no one ever says anything to this person, who has been dressing in this manner since day one. Why? If I showed up to work in black jeans and solid black tennis shoes (which no one ever should anyway, dress code not withstanding) I would get sent home immediately. Why do the rules not apply to certain people around here but they certainly apply to me? I don’t understand.