The tickets have been purchased and the time off has been approved. On Friday afternoon N and I are going out to lunch, and then going to see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull! I am ridiculously excited about this. Probably because I don’t get out much. At any rate, let’s hope that any and all sicknesses, eye gougings, etc., do not occur on Friday afternoon because I will be VERY DISAPPOINTED.

Speaking of exciting events, tomorrow is AE’s last tee-ball game. This is exciting for two reasons: A) No more sitting outside in the scorching sun; and B) Chuck Norris! His twins play tee-ball in our league (they have a ranch nearby) and Chuck himself is one of the assistant coaches for their team. So there have been multiple Chuck Norris Sightings throughout the season, but tomorrow we finally go up against their team. Let’s hope it doesn’t rain because again, VERY DISAPPOINTED.

And speaking of tee-ball, last night as I was leaving the game, one of the other moms caught my attention and complimented AE on hitting the ball (from a pitch – no small feat with his coordination skills, I assure you). I thanked her, continued to the car and then felt bad for not saying anything about her son, who had hit a home run. What’s the protocol here? Do I have to reciprocate? I wasn’t absolutely positive of his name, although I was 99% sure. But I didn’t want to say, you know, “Brandon did great too” and it turns out the kid’s name was Henry. I feel like I am generally capable in most social situations but for some reason this one has me stumped. I guess it is because I am bad with names if I haven’t specifically been introduced to the person, and also I have a paranoia about calling someone by the wrong name. In short, I am sucking it up at being Super-Involved Sports Mom.

I also suck at remembering to sign my kid up for things. Like swimming lessons. I didn’t think about it until today, which means that all of the classes with prime evening times are full. So now I am having to comb through all of the available classes for “Frog-Level 1” and try to make it mesh with my and N’s work schedules. I wouldn’t worry so much if AE weren’t almost six, but at this age I think he needs to have at least basic swimming skills. Right now if he were to trip and fall in the water he would just sink to the bottom. I am not giving him a choice this year, either. Last year I made the mistake of asking him if he would like to take swimming lessons and of course he told me no. Honestly, I would have preferred to get him started much earlier, but since he had tubes in his ears for like 3 summers in a row it was just too logistically challenging.

Coming up with a coherent ending to this stream of conciousness is also too logistically challenging. So on that note, THE END.