Life has improved considerably around these parts, I’m glad to say. Turns out I was sick Friday with strep throat, so good thing I ended up going to the doctor. I got a giant painful shot of penicillin and started to feel better within a few hours. Except for my ass, which is still rather sore.

And good thing it worked so fast, because I was meeting some of my high school girlfriends in Houston for dinner and drinks Saturday night. Which would have been very un-fun feeling the way I did on Friday. We ate at Sambuca, which is hella expensive but it was very good. (I just can’t get on board with spending a ton of money on food. Maybe this makes me uncultured but I am just not a foodie of any sort. I eat to stay alive, and I like things that taste good but I don’t like them enough to pay $30 for an entree. I like to eat out, but pretty much any place will do just so long as they cook and clean up the mess. I guess I like to eat out for convenience and relaxation, not as an event in and of itself. Plus, I am cheap.)

ANYWAY! Dinner Saturday night was good, and I think it did my cranky self good to have some time with the girls. Also, alcohol.

N had the kids at his parents’ house, and while Miss T still didn’t sleep great for him that night, her mood was much MUCH better than it had been all week. The fever she had Friday turned out to be nothing and it went away on its own over the weekend, and didn’t stop her from being back to her old smiley happy self.

Then Sunday we got to see a friend of mine from high school and meet her new baby. (Hi Emily!!) He is adorable and I’m so glad we managed to work out a quick meetup – it isn’t often that we’re both in our hometown at the same time so that was cool. I’ve been wanting to get together so we could show off our little ones, as she had never met Miss T either.

Speaking of Miss T, she slept awesomely last night so we did too. I’m not willing to call it anything more than a fluke at this point but I will take what I can get. We’ll see how she does tonight.


I went to the dentist today and had my “bite adjusted” due to some severe jaw pain I’ve been having lately. I’ve had TMJ since I was a kid but it had gotten really bad this time. How do they adjust one’s bite, you ask? By grinding down the molars on that side of my mouth with the drill. It was super awesome.


This is making me laugh and laugh and laugh. I love toddlers.

And speaking of toddlers, N has been uploading some old photos to our Flickr account. Check out this silly little guy. Hee! AE’s so big now it is hard to remember him being that small! I can’t wait for Miss T to reach that age, it is so much fun. Remind me I said that later when I am moaning about the Terrible Twos.