Excerpts of today’s IM conversation regarding dinner options between my difficult charming husband and myself:

me:  I thought you hated quiche          

N:  I don’t hate it, I’m just offended by breakfast for dinner.  Breakfast for breakfast, dinner for dinner – that is the natural order of things.

me:  i don’t really think of it as breakfast

N:  Putting breakfast in a pie form does not negate its inherent breakfastness.  If you put Cheerios in a hot dog bun, that doesn’t mean you’d sell it at a concession stand

me:  just because it contains egg does not necessarily make it breakfast       

N:  No, BREAKFAST SAUSAGE and/or bacon plus eggs makes it breakfast

me:  you, sir, are hard to please.


me:  says the man who will eat chinese food at 8 in the morning.  Or a ham sandwich.

N:  That’s different. Anything can be breakfast. Breakfast cannot be anything.                                               

ARGH!!  *throws hands up in air*


I have decided to cough up the dough and hire myself a cleaning lady.  After years of wanting one, the stars have finally aligned and I have located someone that I can afford.  I’ll probably have her come every 2-3 weeks and I am SO EXCITED about this.  I realize it is a luxury, but I have a feeling it is going to be totally, totally worth it.  Also, she only charges $10/hour and I am completely willing to forgo eating out (or if I am being perfectly honest, eating AT ALL – that is how badly I want a cleaning person) one or two times a month if it means I can come home to a clean house.  WOOT.


Today is Food Friday at work, and there is a huge spread of various yummy foods within sight and smell distance of my cubicle.  I always end up eating way too much and ending up with a stomachache on food days so I am really trying to ignore it.  But it is really hard, because there are tortilla wrap-ups over there (you know, with cream cheese and salsa) and I have a serious weakness for those.


Tomorrow we are having our annual family pictures made.  I’m also going to have them take a few shots of Miss T by herself as a 6-month portrait.  (Side note:  SIX MONTHS!  Today!!  Time flies, blah blah insert standard sunrise, sunset cliché here.  But really, six whole months!!  Wah.)  I’ve managed to coordinate outfits for myself, N and AE pretty well over the last few portrait sessions but now we’re adding a fourth person.  A fourth person whose wardrobe consists almost entirely of pinks and purples.  I really have no idea what any of us are going to wear.  I don’t want to be too matchy-matchy, but I don’t want to clash either.  Adding to the challenge is the fact that AE owns very little in the way of decent non-play clothes.  I may have to dig through the stash of new school clothes I have been stockpiling for him to wear “someday” and hope that some of them fit already.