Well, Miss T has tonsillitis.  I didn’t even know that babies could get that but apparently they can.  Of course it is viral so there isn’t really anything we can give her other than ibuprofen, and the doctor mentioned that she will probably be unwilling to eat much so we’ll have to watch her for signs of dehydration.  I’m so sorry for the poor little thing, I can tell she feels horrible.  But she is still trying to be her usual chipper self, rewarding my kisses with a pitifully wan smile.  So sad.    

This is naturally coming on the heels of our foray into sleep-training.  She was doing so well, too!  Now we’re going to have to start all over once she feels better.  Ugh, parenting.  Sometimes it blows.


My house was terrifically clean and fresh-smelling when I got home yesterday.  The verdict is official:  paying someone to clean your house is Totally Worth It.


This morning I was pleased to discover that I can comfortably fit into my favorite pre-pregnancy jeans.  Yay!  So I was feeling pretty good.  Until I looked in the mirror and saw my VERY FIRST GRAY HAIR OMG. 


My mother reports that AE is doing well, although he is not sleeping as well as usual.  He had a nightmare a few nights ago and had to be soothed in the middle of the night, and last night he just couldn’t fall asleep until almost 11 p.m.  Not like him at all, but the poor little guy has spent a lot of time away from home this summer.  That would jack with my sleep schedule too.