As Kristine noted a few days ago, there is something genetically encoded in children that enables them to screw up their parents’ sleep patterns to the maximum possible extent.  Last night was no exception.  Due to N’s back pain situation and the resulting prescription for Vicodin, I was on baby duty all night.  Which meant, OF COURSE, that Miss T was up a couple of times during Shift 1 (usually N’s responsibility) AND Shift 2 (my turn).  I usually get the short end of the stick anyway since she rarely wakes during Shift 1, and even if she does N isn’t asleep yet (he’s a major night owl) so it is no big deal.  But she is programmed for some reason to wake every night at 2:30 a.m. (which she did last night like clockwork).  When does Shift 2 start, you ask?  Why, 2 a.m., of course.  Who was the idiot who assigned the time frames for these “shifts”?  Oh, wait, that was me. 

And as for N, he seems to be feeling much better, so that’s good news.  However, he is also on heavy doses of muscle relaxers and the aforementioned Vicodin so I will wait until his buzz wears off before making any definitive statements on his improvement.  Either way, our trip is still a go.  And my father has offered to mow our front lawn while we’re gone so that we don’t become Those Neighbors, seeing as we were perilously close before N threw his back out.  (I am aware that I could mow the lawn myself and actually was planning to do so, but when I mentioned this to my mother she apparently deemed it unacceptable.  Which is fine by me.)


I have been trying to convince my sister to start a blog.  Because she cracks me up on a regular basis and also because anyone who randomly inserts the phrase “I like cheese” into conversation needs their own blog.  (Bit of explanation:  “I like cheese” has become a tension diffuser in our family.  My father and myself have some…um…opposing viewpoints, and Sher finds that if she throws that phrase out there everyone starts laughing and we can change the subject.)  She seems hesitant to do so for some reason, but I figure if I hassle her enough she’ll give in.  I expect harassment in the comments from those of you who know her in person.  Come on, Sher.  Do not deprive the internets of your special brand of humor any longer!  We demand to be amused!


For no particular reason, here’s some linkety fun:

  • EEEEEEE!!  How cute are these yarn octopi?  I must make one.
  • Entertainment Tonight always manages to make any topic they cover seem incredibly lame and unimportant.  Like the recent LA earthquake.  I think it is the liberal!  Use!  Of exclamation points!
  • This is awesome.  HA HA HAAAA.
  • I love this Tiki pendant.  Very fun.
  • I think I have come across this site before because it seems vaguely familiar.  In any case, it is very funny.  Marmaduke really IS an asshole.
  • Um, what?  This may be one of the strangest things I have ever seen from Dear Abby.  AM OUT-OF-CONTROL.  CAN ONLY COMMUNICATE THROUGH INCREDIBLY LAME PUNS.  SEND HELP.
  • And this makes me laugh and laugh and laugh.  Hee!