It seems that the dentist is recommending a lingual frenectomy for AE.  Basically, he is tongue tied and needs the little connector flap underneath his tongue clipped so that he can stick his tongue out all the way.  Right now when he sticks his tongue out the tip of it looks forked.  See:

I have asked about it before, but until now no one has acted like it is an issue.  It doesn’t seem to impair his speech or anything like that.  I had the procedure done myself when I was a little younger than AE, and I still remember it hurting like a bitch some 25 years later.  It’s not anything I want to put him through unless it is absolutely necessary, so I think I’m going to insist on getting a second opinion.  (Something I haven’t yet discussed with my husband.  Hi, honey, I want a second opinion!)


When AE and I were at the dentist yesterday, the hygienist was unbelievably brutal during my cleaning.  I have never minded going to the dentist, but now I can totally see why some people dread it.  There was blood!  Lots of blood!  And my gums are still incredibly sore over 24 hours later.  I think I may politely decline Mallory’s services next time and ask for someone else. 


Someone put a half-full pot of coffee in the fridge at work one day last week, and it stayed there for several days until my boss finally got tired of looking at it.  I can come up with no reasonable explanation for leaving a pot of coffee in the fridge for an extended period of time.  It certainly isn’t something that tastes better with age.


I cut my finger on a gum wrapper Monday afternoon.  It bled.  My coworkers were shocked that I managed this, but N was not.  He knows that the woman he married is capable of cutting herself on a shampoo bottle.


The daycare keeps ignoring my plea to try and keep Miss T from taking an afternoon nap.  It’s not that really mind her having a nap, of course, so much that they often let her sleep until almost 4 p.m.  And consequently she doesn’t want to go to bed.  The first day I asked they did keep her awake, but then the next day they were all “She was so tired! But we limited it to thirty minutes!” and by day three they had stopped completely and were back to 1.5 hour naps ridiculously late in the day.  Something has got to give, people.  Work with me here.

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