The daycare called late yesterday afternoon to inform us that Miss T had produced two, erm, Diapers of a Questionable Nature over the course of the day.  Apparently this means that the child gets sent home, do not pass Go, do not collect $200, and definitely do not come back tomorrow.

N and I always try to take turns staying home with the kids when they’re sick, just depending on who has the lighter workload.  Unfortunately, my job is very deadline-intensive and it’s hard for me to get away on short notice so most of the time, N is on deck.  This time, though, it worked out for me to take a turn.

And so far it seems like a pretty good deal – Miss T clearly does not feel bad at all.  We’ve been playing and watching Chicken Run (if you haven’t seen it you really should.  It’s hilarious, and not as much of a kid movie as you would assume), and cleaning up the kitchen.  Miss T LOVES to “help” me clean, so I give her a damp rag and let her go to town on the table/chairs/floor/whatever.  So we’ve scrubbed down her booster seat plus the floor where she spilled milk and cereal at breakfast, and she also helped me start a load of laundry.

It’s not often that I get an uneventful day like this, to just decompress at home with one of the kids.  I’ll have a few days with AE next week while he’s on spring break, but he largely ignores me to play video games.  (In case you’re wondering what Miss T is currently doing, she’s ignoring me – playing with the magnets on the fridge and singing a song that I can’t quite identify.  Oh wait.  Now she’s moved on and is jumping on the couch screaming “It’s a tamp-o-een!!”)

Do I have a point?  Probably not really.  Maybe I had one in mind when I started but this coffee isn’t very strong and I’ve only had two cups so far.  So here you go.  I’ll leave you with a few pictures of my “sick” toddler and maybe you won’t notice that I’ve done nothing but ramble.

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