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Here we are again…September 15.  The anniversary of the day that I first became a mother.  And this year, the day that my precious baby boy turns eight years old. Sweet fancy Moses.  Eight years old.  So just how old does that make me? Ahem.  Moving on. Dear AE: A few weeks you asked me […]

One day at a time, that’s how

My freakout has begun.  You know, the I’m-starting-grad-school-in-10-days-while-working-full-time-and-parenting-two-young-kids-I-barely-keep-on-top-of-my-life-as-it-is-mother-of-God-what-have-I-done freakout. What, you’ve never had one of those? I ordered my textbooks online through Amazon last week and one arrived yesterday.  I skimmed through it and was immediately transported back into my very first sociology class, a place where I was introduced to the word “paradigm” and […]

It takes a village

There’s this kid at school that’s been hassling AE for quite a while now.  At first it didn’t seem like a big deal, and was in fact material for pretty funny school journal entries.  But then it continued.  Almost every day AE would come home saying that Alex S. had punched him in the privates.  […]

To raise a man

We’ve reached the point with AE where parenting is far less of a physical challenge, but more of a mental one.  And unfortunately, I think this is also the part where you can scar your kid for life.  Twenty years from now, Miss T isn’t likely to recall that I let her cry in her […]

Two things: One important, the other less so.

Two completely unrelated things, that is, but N is out of town for the evening and I’m sitting here with hours of lonely Friday evening stretching before me, so this is what you get.