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Many, many wine reviews

This morning I woke up with a horrible stomachache and was afraid that I  may have to postpone my night o’ wine with BB.  But apparently it was just a message from my body that I needed a break.  I came home and spent most of the day watching the Burn Notice marathon on USA […]


Life has slowed down a bit.  AE’s basketball season is over and it is still a few weeks until tee-ball starts.  Work is slow for me (NOT COMPLAINING NOT COMPLAINING) and not much else is going on.  I’m really excited about our mystery trip in a few weeks, so right now I’m just finding ways […]

Change of plans

I’m supposed to be at girls’ night with my high school girlfriends in Houston, but decided not to go at the last minute for a variety of reasons.  Mostly because N and Miss T have been borderline sick all week and I had a Bad Feeling about going out of town overnight.  So I bailed, […]

In which I fancy myself a wine expert

One of my New Years’ resolutions was to branch out and try different kinds of wine.  (Actually, it wasn’t so much a resolution as an easy addition to the list.  I have to have a glass of wine with dinner!  And possibly a second!  I’m fulfilling my resolution!!  And I’m doing it FOR HUMANITY.)