So, N and I are planning to start trying for a second kid pretty soon. It seems like once AE turned four, the biological clock kicked in – for a while there (like, for the first 3 ½ years of AE’s life) I wasn’t even sure that I wanted another kid. Now I do, and quite frankly, thinking about it is becoming a large part of my daily routine. I can’t seem to turn it off! An average weekday for me goes something like this:

5:53 a.m. – Alarm goes off. Hit snooze.

6:02 – Alarm goes off again. Think, “Self, you have really got to get up and go for a walk so that you can be in better shape for when you get pregnant.” Fall back asleep.

6:11 – Alarm goes off for the third time. Get up, get dressed, and get out the door. Wonder if I will be able to drag myself out of bed at this hour once I am actually pregnant. Know that the answer is no.

6:35ish – Get home and start getting ready for work.

7:30ish – Haul AE out the door for school. Because I am, at this point, running late. There is no way in hell I will ever be on time for work again once I have a second kid.

8:05 – Sneak into the office. Pretend I’ve been at my desk for 5 minutes already.

8:15 – Coffee. Limit myself to one cup so that the caffeine withdrawal isn’t so bad once I get pregnant and stop drinking it.

8:17–10:30 – Work. Blah blah work work work blah.

10:31 – The lunch planning begins. E-mails begin to circulate about food options. I decline placing an order once the decision is made. Need to save money, because once we have another baby I won’t be able to afford anything. Ever again.

12:00-1:00 p.m. – Food arrives. I heat up my Lean Cuisine. Wonder if I will have this much willpower once actually pregnant. Again, no.

1:01 – 4:59 – More work. Punctuated by occasional restroom breaks, either to the restroom on the second floor or the one all the way at the other end of the building. Not convenient options if I happen to suffer from morning sickness.

5:00 – Freedom! Yay!

5:15ish – At home. Festival of domestic duties begins. Dinner, laundry, etc.

7:15 – AE’s bathtime. Think (for the 4,000,000th time) how nice it is that he likes to go to bed early. And then he stays there, giving me and N time to ourselves. Lament that having another baby will change all that.

7:45ish – Go walking with a friend. Because she wants to get pregnant soon too, and is afraid of gaining too much weight. Must keep in shape!

9:00-10:59 – Back home. Fold clothes, take a shower, clean the kitchen, etc. Almost die from the excitement.

11:00 – Do eleventy-thousand stomach crunches in an effort to tighten up my stomach muscles. They fared pretty well through pregnancy #1, but I doubt I will be so lucky twice.

11:15 – Time for bed. The cat has been yelling at me incessantly since 8:00 because she wants to get in my lap. I wonder what we’ll do with her once there is a new baby trying to sleep in our room. Hmm.

11:30ish – Fall asleep. Sleep blissfully through the night.

I really wish I was exaggerating. Seriously, what is wrong with me? Who is this baby-obsessed person that has taken over? I swear, I have never thought this much about babies in my life. How bad is it going to be once I actually get pregnant? I guess I’ll just be wandering around, constantly muttering about babies under my breath. I am Crazy Wants-To-Be-Pregnant lady. Gimme some candy!!

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