With kids, long weekends aren’t something to be looked forward to as much as they used to be.  Actually, that isn’t fair to AE.  With infants, long weekends aren’t something to be looked forward to.  It is just really hard to find something to do with a 6-month-old all day!  It’s not like they have an endless variety of options.  We went to my parents’ retirement property near Austin on Saturday, which did help break up the monotony a little.  At the very least it gave us a few more pairs of arms to hold Miss T.

This was really a banner weekend for Miss T.  After more than a month, one of her pesky bottom teeth popped through.  Yay!  Not only that, but after practicing and trying so hard she is finally crawling.  It is a little awkward and slow, but it is definitely forward motion!  She’s so proud of herself, too.  There is much gleeful babbling and cooing each time she reaches her destination. 

Maybe these accomplishments will mean she’ll start sleeping better sometime soon.  Or judging from last night, maybe not.  Thankfully, my mom dealt with her on Saturday night so that N and I could get some much needed rest.  And because I am sort of sadistic, I was very glad that Miss T gave Nonna just as much trouble as she has been giving us.  At least now I know it isn’t just me. 

Part of the reason we went to my parents’ was to drop off AE.  He’s staying with the grandparents for the next few weeks, and I’m sure this is much to his relief since apparently I am the meanest mommy in all the land.  He got angry at me yesterday morning (because I was insisting that he sit in a small lawn chair and leave the full-size chairs for the adults) and ran back into the house.  My mom went to check on him a few minutes later and asked him where he had gone.  He told her that he was praying to God to take away all the mean mommies and daddies.  Oh, the poor child.  HE SUFFERS SO.


N has been busily scanning our wedding and honeymoon pics into our Flickr account.  It has been quite the time-consuming project since we got married in Ye Olden Days, before digital cameras became commonplace.  Just for fun, here are a few of my favorites:


Ah, memories.  This really has me thinking wistfully of those early days, when we had no responsibilities save work and our cat.  It also makes me want to go on tropical vacation and/or a cruise right about now.