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Of all the things to take for granted

I was reading this post of Swistle’s and it (and the comments) got me thinking. I have never lived in a house (or apartment) without a dishwasher.  I mean, yeah, I lived in the dorm my freshman year of college, but there was a dining hall so it wasn’t like I was doing a lot […]

More of a stream of consciousness, really

It’s been one of those weeks so far, y’all.  And it’s only Wednesday.  It started on Friday night, when we accidentally stole a dog, and continued on Sunday when I broke the sink, and then work is killer (shocking!) and then I sat down to write this and realized that I really don’t have a […]

Friday Randomness

Today after work I’m leaving for Houston to visit my sister and even though I’ve been working working working like a busy little bee, today is still dragging.  So I give you Friday Randomness, something I haven’t done in a while. ***** AE lost his first tooth yesterday!  It took a little assistance from my […]

Day #2 – Productivity Abounds

So far today, I have done the following (with AE in tow, of course, except for the items remotely related to cleaning in any way):

The start of a new era. Or blog category.

Originally, N and I had seriously considered taking AE on a vacation this summer – just the three of us.  We were going to leave Miss T with the grandparents and head to Denver for a trip down memory lane.  None of us has been back to Colorado since we moved away almost six (!) years ago, […]