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Things that are making me cranky, Part 9384739 of ?

Let’s see, how many posts have I started off by saying OMG I am so busy at work and it is overwhelming every aspect of my life  and I’m cranky and the laundry is piling up and I hate cooking and bathtime and bedtime and everything is chaos SEND HALP.  However many posts that is, […]


Dear Other Morning Commuters: Oh, COME ON!  If the speed limit sign says 60, please, PLEASE SPEED UP.  How in the hell you people who constantly drive at 40 mph can get ANYWHERE - much less get anywhere ON TIME - is totally beyond me.  For the love of all that is good and holy, get your […]

And this is why N doesn’t let me shop alone

Supposedly my work schedule allows me to leave at 4:30 every day.  Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t, due to the deadline-intensive nature of my job.  If I have a proposal that must be submitted by close of business and I don’t have it done by 4:30, I have to stay until 5.

EarWatch 2009

Well, CRAP.  I strongly suspect that Miss T is on the verge of another ear infection (or really, a relapse).  She’s been off the antibiotics for about a week and a half, and as of yesterday afternoon she is once again a coughy little snot factory.  GREAT.  I mean, on the one hand I am […]

Much better. Except NOT.

Well, just when I thought Miss T was on the mend and things were looking up – not so much.  Epic FAIL.  The daycare called me at 9:15 this morning, saying she had puked everywhere and was exceedingly fussy (which I actually already knew).