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More of a stream of consciousness, really

It’s been one of those weeks so far, y’all.  And it’s only Wednesday.  It started on Friday night, when we accidentally stole a dog, and continued on Sunday when I broke the sink, and then work is killer (shocking!) and then I sat down to write this and realized that I really don’t have a […]

Day #5 – Updates, crankypants

My calculations from yesterday were slightly flawed – Miss T screamed for about two minutes last night.  That’s it though, so hopefully tonight will be zero minutes.  Of course, she irked the crap out of me first thing this morning by waking up at 6:57.  This was of course the one day this week that […]

Day #3 – Whine, whine, WINE PLEASE

My daughter – whom I of course love dearly but that doesn’t change the fact that I am about to state – has been a real asshole at bedtime for the last few nights.  You see, on Sunday night I made a fatal error.  Miss T’s wee tummy was upset so I was a nice, […]


My coworkers are so lucky.  This morning I was just a ray of sunshine.  (Surprise!)  Actually, truth be told I was completely fine until a series of (unrelated) e-mails that sent me completely over the edge from cheerful(ish) to utterly homicidal in a matter of moments.

Parade of stupidity

We went down to The Swamp for the long weekend.  We always stay at my parents’ house even though my in-laws live there too (I am more comfortable at my parents’, and I’m a brat that way), and even though my mom and dad were not at home this weekend we stayed at their house […]