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13 Days, 12 Rounds

It randomly occurred to me this morning that I never posted about Halloween.  Probably because there wasn’t much to report, really – N was still in Florida awaiting the shuttle launch, so my mom came into town to help me wrangle the kids.  My sister also happened to be here, and she came in handy […]


Here we are again…September 15.  The anniversary of the day that I first became a mother.  And this year, the day that my precious baby boy turns eight years old. Sweet fancy Moses.  Eight years old.  So just how old does that make me? Ahem.  Moving on. Dear AE: A few weeks you asked me […]

Today’s headlines

I’d like to say that I have a really good reason for not posting in three weeks, but that would be a lie.  Actually, I had figured I’d have grad school to blame for any sporadic posting these days.  This is not really the case.  So far, my classes seem to be going well.  There’s […]

The hazards of having a firstborn son

Yesterday morning I was sitting in the kitchen, drinking my coffee and messing around on the computer.  Miss T was busy in her play kitchen, feeding her favorite doll. I was only sort of listening to her tiny, one-sided conversation.  “Are you hungry, Baby Beth?  Here you go, Baby Beth.  Have some pizza.  It’s yummy.” […]

I really need for this week to be over

Dear County Constable Officer: I owe you a sincere thanks for not ticketing my dumb ass as it sped merrily through a 45 mph work zone at 60 miles an hour.  While, um, talking on my cell phone.  I deserved that ticket and we both knew it.  Although to be honest, I’m just glad you […]