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This and that

I managed two whole posts in a row that had a cohesive theme throughout.  Tonight my streak comes to an end. My dryer is a piece of shit, doo-dah, doo-dah* The damn thing has started eating drawstrings.  It happened a few times before, but it was sporadic and so I didn’t think much of it […]

Anatomy of a bad movie

If you recall, my husband and I have very different expectations and requirements for what constitutes an enjoyable movie.  He needs intellectual stimulation in his films, which usually includes decent acting and a cohesive, well-written plot.  I require none of these things, and in fact most of the movies I watch can hardly be categorized […]

After all that fussing…

I made such a big deal on Oscar night about how I didn’t want to spend time watching movies outside of my comfort zone, yadda  yadda, blah de blah, and what did I do shortly thereafter?  Why, I sat my happy ass down and watched a chick flick. I am not the chick these flicks […]

Sick day

The daycare called late yesterday afternoon to inform us that Miss T had produced two, erm, Diapers of a Questionable Nature over the course of the day.  Apparently this means that the child gets sent home, do not pass Go, do not collect $200, and definitely do not come back tomorrow. N and I always […]

Not your typical Oscars post

Back when I actually had time to go to the movies, I used to love the Oscars.  I’d be all excited about it for the entire week before, and would be glued to the TV from the red carpet pre-show all the way until they announced Best Picture. Today, though, I find that I simply […]